Belles Aria Integrated Amplifier

The old adage that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line has application in the realm of high-end audio. When the distance between the various components necessary to reproduce a clean, accurate audio performance is straight and direct, the results can be truly amazing.
The Belles Aria is state-of-the-art is its design. The Arias phono, headphone, and preamplifier stages use Burr-Brown amplifiers, known in pro circles for their ultra-low distortion characteristics. The power amplifier is a discrete, fully-complimentary design utilizing mosfet transistor output stages. The unit is capable of producing 75 watts per channel into 8 ohms. The Belles Aria Integrated Amplifier is the shortest distance between you and pure audio enjoyment.
A moving magnet phono stage section using Burr Brown amplifiers for ultra-low distortion. The precision resistor and polypropylene capacitor equalization network allows for an accurate RIAA curve result. The preamplifier line stage section is powered by a Burr Brown OPA551 professional amplifier. The OPA551 is a hallmark in the professional audio field, exceeding all others of its type. It is capable of driving up to 200 milliamperes of current and can operate from up to + or 30 volts of power. This enables it to perform the preamplifier function with low distortion, wide bandwidth, and also drive headphones effortlessly.
The Belles Aria performs well above it price point and beyond, easily mixing with far more exhaulted company. The Aria comes with 5 inputs (and monitor loop), one pre output, MM phono stage and high quality headphone amplifier full remote control, superb build quality and 5 year warranty.
Specifications Amplifier Section
- Inputs 5 pairs of rca's plus 1 monitor pair rca
- Outputs 1 pair of rac pre-ampilifier
- Power rating 75W (Rms) per channel @ 8 ohms
- Power rating 125W (Rms) per channel @ 4 ohms
- Damping factor over 2000 @ 1Khz
- Current delivery >18 amps
- Input sensitivity 1.2 VRMS for rated power
- Crosstalk over 60dB
- Noise over 100 dB A weighted
- Input Impedance 47K omhs
- weight 12kg's
- Size 420mm W x 79mm x H 356mm D
Moving Magnet Phono Section
- Frequency Response: ....... 20 to 20Khz +/-0.05 dB
- Gain: ............................. 33 dB at 1kHz
- Noise: .............................. over 80 dB
- Distortion: ................... less than 0.0001%
Headphone Section
- Power: ................600 milliwatts @ 30 ohms peak.